Art is the medium through which ideas are bled and the Author is but a donor. The night is young and it ages like wine. Some people call me ˈmeɪdʒiːən.

Age 24, discernibly male

Maker of things

Library of Babel

Behind you

Joined on 12/12/18

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magianfellow's News

Posted by magianfellow - July 24th, 2024

I got Krita and I am learning how to use it...

How did I do? Think I'm doin' good?


Watching tutorials all day, left hand popcorn, right hand rawdoggin Krita.

More art soon?



Posted by magianfellow - April 30th, 2024

I was procrastinating doing college work and I thought it would be a good idea to mashup "Down with the Sickness" and "Dixon Cider". I didn't post it here officially because I don't think it deserves to be on any of the portals, but I still think it's a funny enough shitpost to share with the rest of the class. On a semi-related note, I have more free time now, so for those that follow me, expect to see more (not meme related) content soon!



Posted by magianfellow - June 23rd, 2023

You will never be a great artist.


In my experience, artists are either the most narcissistic individuals you’ll ever meet, or the most self-conscious and insecure. This is likely a consequence of the culture they are conditioned in, which pressures them to succeed beyond any reasonable measure.

When I say “artists”, I’m not very particular with the meaning of the word. I believe what I’m going to say applies just as much to musicians, animators, game developers and writers, give or take some specific examples.

Artists have unreasonably high standards.

Making it as an artist entails being praised by your peers as innovative, unique or talented, never mind the fact that regular ass people know nothing about your niche. Ultimately, success is measured by one's impact on one’s craft or its history, and every artist wants to be an inspiration to future generations, everyone wants to be “one of the greats”.

That is a monumental undertaking, and to think that you will be the one to achieve this is unrealistic. Even worse are those that assume they’ve already made it, the egotistical types that hold everyone below them to their standards.

This level of self importance is not common in other fields. The doctor that invents a new way of performing heart surgery is no doubt thrilled to be praised and remembered for it, but for most doctors, simply providing aid and care is fulfilling enough. The teacher that comes up with a thesis to revolutionize his or her field will obviously want an award for it, but for most teachers, guiding the new generation of that field is enough. Why can’t artists be content with just making art?

Here are some hard truths.

The likelihood that you will be remembered in history by everyone as “one of the greats”, out of all your peers, is so astronomically low that you have better odds at winning the lottery twice. If you want an honest lasting legacy, It’s better to work for your friends and loved ones and be good to them, since they’re the only ones who can remember you genuinely and with love.

The current generation has shown that they are too insecure or immature to learn from history, and would rather destroy it, tearing down historical figures for not being “progressive” by today’s standards. Cancel culture has come to prove that even art, which is meant to be a medium of expressing free thought, is subject to censorship and scorn, even by other artists. Given that art is interpretive by nature, there's no way of knowing what you might be accused of down the line. So even if your legacy is somehow alive and well in the distant future, there’s no guarantee that strangers will respect and honor it.

Success comes in small bursts.

You will never be a great artist as long as your standards for greatness are unattainable. In every other subject, progress is made in incremental steps, and art is no different. The goals you set must be easy enough so that you can move on to even greater challenges, but hard enough so that you truly learn something each time. You shouldn't hold yourself up to standards that you wouldn't hold other artists to, neither should you think of yourself as the standard.

If you set an objective that’s too difficult, you won’t be able to tell how much you’ve progressed, because on that scale you will be too far from reaching it and too close to where you just were. Consequently, being too close to where you started makes it easier to start over, and in the end you’ll have nothing to show for your effort. Don’t try to be the best, just do your best, and if that’s too tough, do what you can.

This college thesis I wrote is loosely based off of a short conversation I had with some friends on the purpose of our art, and along that chat I realized just how stupid our expectations of ourselves is. Everybody wants to be the one to make the next big thing, it becomes an obsession. If there's anything I've learned in my time on this site, it's that you're allowed to have fun when you make things, that's really the whole point of it. We're in a garden full of giants and we spend too much time looking up at them to stop and smell the roses.



Posted by magianfellow - March 31st, 2023

I've been busy!

I have already posted in these three months as much as I did for the entirety of last year, and I have two more artworks I want to work on before the end of April. I have also found some people to help with a Tankmen 2120 project, so that might be an animation you will all get to see soon! I also want to see my other project take off next month, but I can't guarantee it will be released within that time frame.

Watching movies on discord!

I host a movie night every Sunday, and I might try and make it happen on Saturdays too.


This week we will be watching the Mutafukaz. If you want to join in, click this link to my discord server, keep in mind that this is an 18+ server for 18+ people only. Me and a few other artists use the server to work on our projects, so you could probably get some cool insights by just hanging out.



Posted by magianfellow - January 22nd, 2023

This Year...

Just a quick update to check in with all the people who have been keeping up with me:

Last year was not a very productive time for me in terms of artistic endeavors, this year will be a bit different. As I'm on my last semester of college I will have more leisure to work on my projects. I have an animation that I have been wanting to work on for a while which will be the first episode of Outerscape, which I intend to be a semi-animated show with an album also done by me. I am currently working on managing my time to be able to do all this until August, which is when I will likely move.

Almost 200 Fans!

Thank you all for checking me out and sticking by me so far, I hope it has been worth your while. If so, please consider leaving me a tip at my ko-fi, it would mean a lot to me.



Posted by magianfellow - November 16th, 2022

1000+ hours in aseprite.


Although the political situation here in South America has a lot of people tense, including myself, I am still being as productive as I can! The main thing in my way right now are my final exams and job hunting, but I have some time allotted for making art and have been steadily working on the species for Outerscape, which I have designed in character sheet form and will publish incrementally as they're completed.

Here is one of the sketches of the snake people:


(I'd like to know what you think of the WIP).

The lore book is closed.

This means that I have finished worldbuilding and writing the necessary lore to properly theme situations, consult the rules of the world, and start working on the characters and their arcs. Keep in mind that my project is a story of stories, a universe in which many tales can take place, so the book is closed for now. I will continue to outline the stories of the main characters as I write the "screenplay", then I'll work on the storyboard and finally, the first episode. This whole process will likely take another year, but I sincerely hope I can get it done before then.

Tips are appreciated!

I know I don't post often but I do it all for free! If you're already a fan of my work please consider leaving a tip here, the minimum amount is 1$ because ko-fi wouldn't let me set it any lower. My current goal is just 5 dollars, mostly to test out the functions of the website, and you can help make that happen, every little bit helps!



Posted by magianfellow - September 11th, 2022


Yes, I watched the donut series tutorial. No, I didn't make it all the way through without getting sidetracked by something else. I'm working on learning how to make low-poly stuff and integrating blender with aseprite, using it for pixel art purposes as well.

My art is changing

As some may have noticed I am slowly moving towards larger pixel canvases to make more detailed stuff. I am still following the principles of pixel art, working on anti-aliasing and color, I just want to push things further and I think that I have reached the sweet spot of around 480x480. Also, as mentioned before, I'm adding blender into the mix and that could help in improving shading, animations and scenery.



Posted by magianfellow - June 20th, 2022

I have been working on some music but my computer recently decided not to turn on. Did some troubleshooting and it doesn't look good. Sent it to a proper professional to get a full diagnosis and until then I'll have to work on my laptop, which is pretty old and dusty, but not the worst alternative. I'll continue to work with what I have while I wait.

Depending on the outcome, I may have to go weeks without my PC, so wish me luck.

Edit: the GPU is toast and I am sad.


Posted by magianfellow - January 10th, 2022


What started out as a writing exercise now seems to me like an interesting concept to go all out with.

Tankmen 2120 is a cyberpunk take on the Tankmen, taking place in the 22nd century as corporations around the world began to invest in tribal wars in the wastelands. They would supply materials to the tribes, waging proxy wars, and in return, the technological advancements from the conflicts would be taken and expanded upon, then privatized.


A new form of conflict had started then, a competition of technological and creative advancement, fueled by outside investment, then privatized exported and sold to continue its cycle: sustainable war.


The tribes were broken up and taken over by different corporations. The main 2 are Tank Corp and X-Corp. This is all I have for this concept so far. I've done a few animations in pixel art other than the ones presented here, but the project itself need not be in this medium.

I thought I'd just get this out there to set the foundation for the work so people could ponder it a bit. I have the intention to take this concept and expand on it, in the end make a short film, perhaps as a collaborative effort if anyone else is interested. In the meantime the amount of work I can do at a time for this is limited to writing, as I have lots of studying and work to do outside of my artistic endeavors. Maybe by the end of the year I will have something more presentable.



Posted by magianfellow - December 16th, 2021

Next week I'm going traveling. I'll try to post some stuff I've been working on. Lots of it is unfinished.

