1000+ hours in aseprite.
Although the political situation here in South America has a lot of people tense, including myself, I am still being as productive as I can! The main thing in my way right now are my final exams and job hunting, but I have some time allotted for making art and have been steadily working on the species for Outerscape, which I have designed in character sheet form and will publish incrementally as they're completed.
Here is one of the sketches of the snake people:
(I'd like to know what you think of the WIP).
The lore book is closed.
This means that I have finished worldbuilding and writing the necessary lore to properly theme situations, consult the rules of the world, and start working on the characters and their arcs. Keep in mind that my project is a story of stories, a universe in which many tales can take place, so the book is closed for now. I will continue to outline the stories of the main characters as I write the "screenplay", then I'll work on the storyboard and finally, the first episode. This whole process will likely take another year, but I sincerely hope I can get it done before then.
Tips are appreciated!
I know I don't post often but I do it all for free! If you're already a fan of my work please consider leaving a tip here, the minimum amount is 1$ because ko-fi wouldn't let me set it any lower. My current goal is just 5 dollars, mostly to test out the functions of the website, and you can help make that happen, every little bit helps!