
118 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Don't get the reference but that's still cuuuute

Ioruko responds:

Thank you! Yeah, it's a reference to one of the secret bosses in Bloodstained :D

Ah sir, you've won me over with a reference to a great game. I also like the pixel art and the detail in some areas adds on to it. Though something about the lighting bugs me, can't quite put my finger on it.

TheAlmightyBanana responds:

Can you recomend me some lightning tips? I dont usually make night scenes

Very interesting way of shading

Sev4 responds:

Thanks :)

Needs to be frontpaged my guy, good one.

HeavyPxls responds:

I wish :) . Thank you btw ^_^

But who's birthday is it?

pixelrogueart responds:

My friend's :))

baseball bats are a personal favorite game weapon for me, there should be an upgrade where he finds some nails and a hammer and drives the nails through it to improve damage!

pixelrogueart responds:

Duly noted sir. ;)

This is great, masks almost always add character.

You could do an animation of a digital mask that changes expressions.

Ioruko responds:

Thanks! Yeah like Akali's mask from K/DA, I liked that design a lot

So many nekkos, I wonder if they're making a comeback.

AetherionArt responds:

It's an epidemic in vr chat

This looks great for something made on an android.

I've used dotpict too and I loved it because you could be extremely precise on where you wanted your pixels (through the use of a cursor) but it is extremely limited in tools, because from what I can remember, you could only use the flood, select and draw tools.

Never tried Pixel Studio, though.

Ioruko responds:

Thank you!
Yes, liked it about Dotpict, and also the fact that you could share your art instantly and all the drawings you post are shown on your Dotpict page (kinda like Instagram).
But then I found out that Pixel Studio could do all the same stuff plus animations, layers, selecting and copy pasting, changing your brush shape, integrating palettes from Lospec (and from files), loading images from files, mirroring and flipping etc. It has even more useful functions now and it works perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy S8.

I would legit love this as an action/horror game miniboss.

FleshSqueeze responds:

He's planned as a full on boss at the moment. Sort of Metal Gear Solid style, with story and all that.

Art is the medium through which ideas are bled and the Author is but a donor. The night is young and it ages like wine. Some people call me ˈmeɪdʒiːən.

Age 23, discernibly male

Maker of things

Library of Babel

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