Love it!
Love it!
It wasn't enough to add shadows to pretty much every building, or a lighting effect, or carefully pixelated proportions that emphasise the 3d distance. No, you went the extra mile and added, what I think are clouds, on the horizon, beyond all the buildings and your own profile name as a subtle watermark. There are details in this image where no one would really look for them, on top of the gorgeous scenery. This must've taken ages mate, great work.
Thank you very much fo the nice comment! It took me more than a week working on it on and off, but it was fun. Really glad you like it.
give me the one that makes me grow like Mario!
Then maybe it's the bottom left one from the thumbnail
Give the man his big cigar!
Tell ya what, when Riot gives it back, so will I. Until then, I gotta respect Grave's decision to give up the smokes
Mate, are you trying to make me fall in love with your art, because it's working!
Let it flow, friend ;)
Very large head, also you didn't seem to remove the jaggies, otherwise cool.
large heads are cool
Thank you.
Ains-sama! This is fucking great mate!
Thank you!
This is great! Also, how many panels/frames did you make for this?
Thanks!, I only used 4 different images and used a couple of them again to make the loop.
that is a smaaall image.
yeah sorry about that ;;;;
Art is the medium through which ideas are bled and the Author is but a donor. The night is young and it ages like wine. Some people call me ˈmeɪdʒiːən.
Age 24, discernibly male
Maker of things
Library of Babel
Behind you
Joined on 12/12/18