
118 Art Reviews w/ Response

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This looks amazing for how low bit it is and how little colors were used. Love it!

gatekid3 responds:

ive seen people do amaing things with 1 bit art

Great use of colors for the outlines and shading. What was the original resolution of this image (the pixel count)?

thisislux responds:

Thank you! It's a little under 200 px tall at the native size.

I feel like I'm in for a bad time.

Diemorth responds:

Bad time intensifies! :v

Love this, classic femme fatale look, but don't just leave her like this, give her a name!

Ioruko responds:

Ah, I don't know, Scarlett? I like this name

I like this style. Good work!

Derpwalet responds:

Thank you! Happy to hear you like it!

She looks less like she's lost and more like she wants to be down there, away from everything and everyone. Being alone can be sad but also helpful, it allows people to gather their thoughts and heal.

This is why the sea is wonderful, being surrounded by something so vast, with nothing familiar around is humbling and sometimes frightening.

Ioruko responds:

Every person has a different way to cope with emotions and anxiety, so maybe you are not wrong.

One of those scientists is probably the one behind the whole thing.

Ioruko responds:

Oh no... :D

You're really going for full spooky this season aren't you? This is amaziiing!

Ioruko responds:

Spoopy season is upon us :D Thank you!

Didn't think you could look so terrifying.

Ioruko responds:

The evil mastermind inside me

This art style you seem to have adapted into is really interesting. It weirdly fits the retro pixel art aesthetic while at the same time having a cartoony vibe which I think combines really well since both of those are part of people's childhoods.

Also nam. Gotta love that gritty soldier aesthetic. But where is the ironic peace symbol on the helmet? The machete on the back for quick and easy decapitation? The napalm!?

pixelrogueart responds:

Hahaha thanks a lot for the nice words!

And peace was never an option. Hahahaha jk, this was part of my daily post so I didnt have any time to put more stuff on him xD

Art is the medium through which ideas are bled and the Author is but a donor. The night is young and it ages like wine. Some people call me ˈmeɪdʒiːən.

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